Sunday, January 24, 2016

Most important things that you need to know while making money online.

Most people think that an office environment is a place with very low risk of injury. I thought the same until I had excruciating shoulder pain when I woke up one day. The truth is a lot of musculoskeletal disorders are caused in office environments. These disorders develop because of repetitive strain to the body’s muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and nerves. Back, shoulders, neck, arms and hands are most commonly affected resulting from computer injuries (work-related musculoskeletal disorders).  
The two most important things that you need to know while making money online:
1. Make sure that you are sitting in the correct position on your computer. Search for “correct posture at a computer” and you will find a lot of information. Search for “ergonomic office chair” and change your office chair if you have to.

2. Make sure you take regular breaks. Staring at a computer screen with your head and neck always in the same position is very straining for your neck.

I use the following software: and in my opinion this should be installed on each computer that is sold anywhere in the world. The software monitors the time you work on the computer and it alerts you when you need to take a break. It shows you general exercises that you can do while sitting on your chair. You can set it to block your keyboard during breaks so you cannot work. My settings are as follows:

- I have a break for 20 seconds every 10 minutes and I’ve set the software so that my keyboard is blocked. Therefore every 10 minutes I do some gentle neck exercises.
- I have a 10-minute break every hour and my software is set so my keyboard is blocked, which forces me to get up and do something else for 10 minutes.

If you can afford it, invest in It is the best piece of software available for an office environment. You can download it for a one-off purchase of $89.00 or £55.00 (May 2011 price) You have been warned: install it as a matter of urgency if you can afford it. If you cannot afford it: force yourself to take regular breaks. There are similar programmes on the market : simply search for “office timers” or “office break timers”.

Sorry to have to be the one to tell you but i-Pads, laptops and mobile phones are a lot worse for your neck than a normal computer screen. This is because your face is always pointing downwards, so your neck has a lot more strain on it. Be patient and calm you will soon start making money online.

Also, finger arthritis is predicted to be a major worldwide problem in years to come, as people use their phones for too long. The finger movement involved in texting and moving a mouse causes Repetitive Strain Injury, resulting in arthritis for a lot of people.



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